COVID-19 : KARATE CLASS RULES (last updated: Sept 7,2020)

1. 進入studio時必須帶上口罩,請使用桌上已預備的消毒洗手液。
2. 家長不能在 studio 內逗留,請在後門接回學員及離開,前門只作進入課室使用。
3. 離開時,請確定後門關好及鎖上。
4. 請預備一對輕便球鞋(只作室內用途)上課時穿上。
5. 課室以外公共地方必須帶上口罩。

1. Come wearing masks and have hand sanitizer supplied for them to use at the front entrance.
2. Parents cannot wait inside the studio. Pick up should be at the back of the studio only as no one is to go out the front door.
3. When leaving out the back door, please firmly shut the door so it locks
4. Prepare extra shoes for indoor training.
5. Everyone inside the building MUST wear mask while not inside the training room. We will spray the room floor and handles every time.