Online Class

The spread of COVID-19 across the globe has impacted every one of us, according to our Government, the COVID-19 battle will last months or even longer. our Classes will take place live and interactive via Cisco Webex Meeting, If we are able to gather again, you will have the choice to come to a physical class or continue online ! (You can transfer credits between physical class and online class.) 

Need to buy an uniform, kicking or punching targets, training tools? We can get one delivered to you!

Regular Online-Class Fees

1 month
Each additional family member +$30

  • Regular class[1 lesson per week]
  • Special training class
  • 1-on-1 session (30 mins)
  • Intro & Basic technique videos1
  • Grading videos (Kihon/Kumite/Kata)1
  • Fully Accredited exams2

3 Months
Each additional family member +$50

  • Regular class[1 lessons per week]
  • 3 X Special training class
  • 1 X 1-On-1 session* (30 mins)
  • Intro & Basic technique videos1
  • Grading videos (Kihon/Kumite/Kata)1
  • Fully Accredited exams2

3 Months
Each additional family member +$70

  • Regular class[1 lessons per week]
  • 6 X Special training class 
  • 3 X 1-On-1 session *(30 mins)
  • Intro & Basic technique videos1
  • Grading videos (Kihon/Kumite/Kata)1
  • Fully Accredited exams2

Online Class Schedule

EVERY MONDAY  Regular Class 4:00-4:45pm – Beginner
5:00-5:45pm – Intermediate to advance
EVERY 2nd & 4th THURSDAY Special Training class 4:00-4:45pm


  • Regular and special training class (45 mins), please make appointment with instructor and complete the 1-on-1 session (30 mins) within your plan period.
  • * 1-on-1 class per package – E.g. If you join one PRO plan and have one additional family member, only one 1-on-1 private lesson is included in total, if you want two 1 on 1 lessons, you will have to pay for the second one. It’s same as Ultimate plan, three 1-on-1 private lesson included in total.
  • Suspension of online class
    WE have the rights to suspend the online training from your device if we discover any inappropriate behavior such as bad language, nudity, non participant,  re-direct or sharing our training class with public etc.
  • Please ensure the following criteria before you join the Plan :
    • 1) Participants must show their face
    • 2) Stable internet connection
    • 3) Quiet environment and mute your device
  • 1 Unlimited access videos, if you haven’t received the password, please contact us.
  • New videos(youtube channel) are periodically released and update a new version of video based on our training (Kata application, sparring techniques, Self-defense).
  • *If you transfer credits to physical class in the future, we will charge physical class fee for each additional family member

Online Class Grading

  • 2Please check your grading requirement and grading fees, fully accredited and recognized grading exams by high ranking qualified instructors to black belt & beyond.
  • You will start your journey as a white Belt progressing to Yellow , Orange, Green, blue, Purple, Brown, Intermediate Brown, Senior Brown and Black Belt. Further advanced exams are available.

Online Class Payment & Registration

  • We accept Interac e-Transfer (email : or  please contact us for another payment methods.
  • Registration : email to
  • All Fees due upon commencement of lessons and include GST. Schedule and Fee may be changed without prior notice.

1-on-1 / Private Group Training

Effective period : 1 month
2 tickets
Effective period : 3 Months
6 tickets
Effective period : 3 Months
10 tickets